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Colombo Cashmere è espressione di lusso nei filati e nei prodotti finiti: giacche in cashmere, maglie in kid cashmere e kid wool 12.8


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9 products


Colombo MA01608-26KI43000Colombo MA01608-26KI43000
Colombo MA00219-56JA43276Colombo MA00219-56JA43276
Colombo MA00060/N/2-80APL43000Colombo MA00060/N/2-80APL43000
Colombo MA01608-26KI/211128Colombo MA01608-26KI/211128
Colombo MA00057-56JA43276Colombo MA00057-56JA43276
Colombo MA01608-26KI/380226Colombo MA01608-26KI/380226
Colombo MA00057-80APL43000Colombo MA00057-80APL43000
Colombo GI00251/N/7806BLU NAVYColombo GI00251/N/7806BLU NAVY
Colombo MA00338/N/2-80APLBLU NAVYColombo MA00338/N/2-80APLBLU NAVY

Discover the collection

Lanificio Colombo is a world leader in the production of cashmere and noble fiber fabrics.
Transforming cashmere, kid cashmere, yangir, kid wool, guanaco, vicuña and camelhair into products that express a family's passion for precious fibres.
Interpreting the spirit of our time through the culture of quality.
Lanificio Colombo, which has always been attentive to respecting ethical codes to protect the environment, animals and native populations, continues with its eco-friendly corporate strategy. New and important goals have been achieved in the "BE GREEN" sustainability project.
The moral testament that Luigi Colombo, founder of the company, left to his son Roberto is still current, respecting the teachings of those who preceded us in order to pass them on to future generations.
Values, the true ones, rooted forever and transmitted over time, are the foundations on which Colombo culture is based.
A knowledge that becomes inimitable know-how, a way of life that goes beyond business and leads back to the transmission of values.
The testimony of people who love noble fibers for passion and lifestyle where values ​​become culture and culture becomes quality.
From the extension of the textile division, the Luxury Collection was born. The myriad of proposals that are part of the soft accessories collection, kid cashmere knitwear, kid wool 12.8 and luxury outerwear, are the direct expression of the company philosophy. A philosophy that goes beyond fashion to become a lifestyle.